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Joseph P. Farrell: Nazi International

Výrobce: Adventures Unlimited Press
Katalogové číslo: 978-1931882934
Skladem: 0 kniha

The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict

Physicist and Oxford-educated historian Farrell continues his best-selling series of exposés on secret Nazi technology, Nazi survival, and postwar Nazi manipulation of various manufacturing technologies, economies and whole countries.

Beginning with prewar corporate partnerships in the USA, including some with the Bush family, he moves on to the surrender of Nazi Germany, and evacuation plans of the Germans.

He then covers the vast, and still-little-known recreation of Nazi Germany in South America with help of Juan Peron, I.G. Farben and Martin Bormann.

Farrell then covers Nazi Germany’s penetration of the Muslim world including Wilhelm Voss and Otto Skorzeny in Gamel Abdul Nasser’s Egypt before moving on to the development and control of new energy technologies including the Bariloche Fusion Project, Dr. Philo Farnsworth’s Plasmator, and the Work of Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev.

Finally, Farrell discusses the Nazi desire to control space, and examines their connection with NASA, the esoteric meaning of NASA Mission Patches, plus final chapters on: Alchemy; Esotericism; The SS and the Unified Field Theory Craze; 1943-1945: Strange Events from the End of World War II and other “Postwar Shenanigans.”

This book is literally packed with information.

Paperback 416 pages
Published: 15 May 2009
Language English

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Název bez DPH s DPH  
Peter Levenda: The Hitler Legacy 870 Kč 870 Kč Přidat do košíku
Corso Philip J.: Den po Roswellu    
Joseph P. Farrell: Financial Vipers of Venice 900 Kč 900 Kč Přidat do košíku
Peter Levenda: Unholy Alliance 1 170 Kč 1 170 Kč Přidat do košíku
Joseph P. Farrell: The SS Brotherhood of the Bell 675 Kč 675 Kč Přidat do košíku
Joseph P. Farrell: Reich of the Black Sun 900 Kč 900 Kč Přidat do košíku
Trevor Ravenscroft: Kopí osudu    
Peter Levenda: Nesvatá aliance    
Joseph P. Farrell: The Cosmic War 900 Kč 900 Kč Přidat do košíku
Joseph P. Farrell: SS Bratrstvo zvonu    
Joseph P. Farrell: Skryté války a tajná odštěpená civilizace 440 Kč 440 Kč Přidat do košíku

Zvlášť doporučujeme

Joseph P. Farrell: SS Bratrstvo zvonu