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Rapoon: Wasteland Raga (CD)

Výrobce: Aquarellist
Katalogové číslo: aquarel 11-09
Termín dodání (dny): 1
Skladem: 1 CD

ambient / elektronika

"While I was recently traveling through Eastern Europe recently , I passed through an area of industrial decline that reminded me strongly of the devastation of the Industrial heartlands of the UK during the early Thatcher years. The broken windows and twisted metal of the abandoned warehouses, the derelict pit-heads and the ruined factories all brought back memories of that grim time when the divide between rich and poor was never so obvious. Yet amongst the derelict factories and the red-brick estates of the North of England new music and art sprang forth as if driven by the desolate conditions. Out of the darkness came forth beauty in many forms. Wasteland raga is a remembrance of those times when art and politics held close and intertwined out of a real sense of purpose and unity. Now we have the bland unoriginal days of New Labour and the suits , bland self-satisfied music, and the crassness of yet another bad "art installation" in a "city of culture". Passing through the derelict wastelands of Industrial decline in Eastern Europe I was touched with nostalgia for a time when there was a sense of "us and them". Art has stuck it's fat lazy arse on the side of the suits and the money men.
Viva revolution!!!"

- Robin Storey

Limited edition of 1000 copies in a digipak.


1 Industrial Raga 4:10
2 Hymn For Productivity 1:47
3 We Work Hard In The Fields 4:28
4 Flag Of Dawn 5:03
5 The Time Passes Swiftly In Joyful Endeavours 8:24
6 It Rained On My River 3:08
7 It Rained On My Heart 5:16
8 Lifted Again The Hammer Blows Of Hope 7:47
9 Once More Into The Dark 3:33
10 Down Voyage 3:37
11 Light Coming 2:51
12 The Falling Of Trees 4:00
13 You Stayed The Same 4:14
14 On Empty Words The Winds Blow 8:47

Katalogová cena bez DPH: 248 Kč
Katalogová cena s DPH: 300 Kč
Akční sleva 30 Kč
Vaše cena bez DPH: 224 Kč
Vaše cena s DPH: 270 Kč


Název bez DPH s DPH  
Rapoon: Time-Loop Anomalies (CD) 246 Kč 297 Kč Přidat do košíku
Rapoon: Vernal Crossing Revisited (2CD)    
Rapoon: Messianicghosts (CD) 224 Kč 270 Kč Přidat do košíku
Mathias Grassow: Sky (CD) 261 Kč 315 Kč Přidat do košíku
Rapoon - Industrial RagaRapoon - Industrial Raga
Rapoon - On Empty Words The Winds BlowRapoon - On Empty Words The Winds Blow
Rapoon - Once More Into The Dark Rapoon - Once More Into The Dark
Rapoon - The Time Passes Swiftly In Joyful Endeavours Rapoon - The Time Passes Swiftly In Joyful Endeavours

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